7 Habits You Need To Stop NOW For Healthier Younger Looking Skin

Most people have the idea that having clear and healthy skin costs a fortune. But, this is a very misleading concept that has been used for marketing skin-care products and treatments.

You can use the most expensive skincare product on the market, but it can’t guarantee a blemish-free and clear complexion. Why? Because skincare does not start with the products you use or the skin treatments you undergo. The overall health of your skin depends on your overall habits, let’s take a look at some habits you can do without to achieve better skin: 

1. Not drinking enough water.

You can slather on jars after jars of moisturizers on your face but these won’t do any difference on your skin if it is dehydrated internally. The most it can do is give you an oily layer and some zits, but not drinking at least eight glasses of water daily can really dehydrate your skin and make it lose its necessary moisture. Lack of moisture can make your skin lose its elasticity and suppleness, which can give it a leathery appearance and lead to premature aging. 

2. Washing your skin excessively.

Ideally, your skin should be washed once or twice a day. Washing your skin more than twice daily strips it off the necessary oils needed to protect and maintain surface moisture and the skin’s pH. Aside from stripping your skin off its natural oils, overwashing can lead to irritation, dryness, and skin conditions like eczema. Yikes!

3. Not using Sunscreen

Your foundation or moisturizer container may claim it has SPF 15 but this is no reason to not apply additional sunscreen or sunblock. For total protection, your skin needs at least SPF 30 especially if you are going out between 10 am to 4 pm when the sun’s rays are at their strongest. Even if the day is cloudy, make it a point to wear sun protection since UV rays can penetrate clouds. Overexposure to the sun can cause skin hyperpigmentation/discoloration, sunburns, dryness, and other skin conditions such as cancer. Use sunscreen on your face, lips, and other exposed body parts. Additional sun protection like hats, sunglasses, and umbrellas can also be used.

4. Touching your skin frequently

Your facial skin is very sensitive compared to the skin on the rest of your body. Touching it frequently such as by picking, rubbing, or scratching can irritate it and cause breakouts. Your hands also come into contact with a lot of surfaces and can easily transfer bacteria onto your skin which can lead to breakouts or even cystic acne. Since facial skin is so delicate, it is prone to sagging and wrinkling when touched frequently unlike the skin from other areas of our body. 

5. Using the wrong products

Just because a product worked well on another person, does not mean that it will work great for you too. Choosing inappropriate products for your skin can worsen your skin’s condition. For example, using an oil-based moisturizer for oily skin will make it even oilier and prone to more breakouts, or using multiple types of acids on acne can cause chemical reactions, extreme dryness, and overall irritation. Once you have found the right ingredients your skin needs, you can start having fun with different types of products and even DIY-ing your own spa-worthy facial at home!

6. Exaggerated Facial Expressions

When it comes to facial expressions they are voluntary/involuntary movements in the face that communicate a person’s emotional state. They are visible due to the movement and positions of the muscles beneath the skin of the face, over time with repetitive movements, the muscles start to gain muscle memory, and the skin starts to form a permanent crease i.e. wrinkle due to the overuse of the muscle. The best way to prevent permanent wrinkles is to pay attention to any of your facial gestures especially while talking, reading, or even watching tv. If you are aware of what gestures are causing your wrinkles, Face Yoga is a great method to release tension and keep your facial muscles in optimal shape.

7. Side Sleeping

According to a study published by the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, sleeping on your side can cause wrinkles over time due to the prolonged pressure that your face encounters while sleeping. You might notice your favorite side may have more fine lines or wrinkles compared to the other side of your face. To prevent further damage, is sleeping on your back, I know it might be hard falling asleep at first, but with time your skin will thank you!

These are just some habits that can damage, age prematurely, or even break out your skin. Healthy habits along with the right products can make your skin look and feel healthy.

Want to start your skin-care journey but don’t know where to start? Click Here for a FREE skin evaluation quiz to discover your skin type and receive personalized product recommendations for healthy, glowing skin!

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  1. the standard or mixture of features in a person or point that provides satisfaction towards the senses or pleasurably exalts the thoughts or spirit : loveliness a girl of excellent Bodily elegance exploring the purely natural elegance on the island A point of splendor can be a joy endlessly

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