Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Ovarian cysts are a common gynecological problem that can affect any woman at any stage of life. This chronic disease is difficult to diagnose at times, as the symptoms are not always apparent.

However, it is essential to correctly diagnosis your ovarian cysts condition and maps the symptoms of the disease to ensure proper treatment. The earlier you diagnose the condition the better are your chances of recovery.

To accurately diagnose ovarian cysts, you need to be well versed with the symptoms of this condition.

Symptoms of ovarian cysts:

Ovarian cysts are usually diagnosed by the gynecologist on the basis of the patient’s symptoms and an array of tests. Sometimes, ovarian cysts come to light only during a routine medical or pelvic examination as ovarian cysts may continue to exist without any symptoms.

A woman suffering from ovarian cysts must pay close attention to the following symptoms, which are generally associated with this condition.

1. Irregular menstruation

Irregular menstruation signals the fact that all is not well with your gynecological health. Women suffering from ovarian cysts may suffer from amenorrhea, heavy bleeding, light bleeding etc. Hence, any menstrual irregularity or abnormality should be checked out immediately.

2. Pelvic pain

Ovarian cysts can cause severe pelvic pain before during and after menstruation. Many women suffering from ovarian cysts also experience pain during sexual intercourse.

3. Bladder related problem

Cysts may put pressure on the bladder. This can lead to difficulty in emptying the bladder. Women also experience a frequent urge to urinate. Often, emptying the bladder can also prove to be a difficult ordeal.

4. Infertility 

Many women approach a gynecologist when they fail to conceive. Ovarian cysts may significantly hinder your fertility. Often, miscarriages are also possible because of the complications associated with untreated ovarian cysts.

5. Other symptoms

Ovarian cysts may cause nausea, breathlessness, abdominal pain, vomiting, and general discomfort. Pregnancy like symptoms is also common. Note that any prolonged pain should be checked out immediately.

It is essential to understand that not all the symptoms above are experienced by women suffering from ovarian cysts. Some of these symptoms may not be associated with ovarian cysts at all. Therefore, it is always best to get a complete medical diagnosis by a professional before starting a proper treatment.


There is a variety of tests that can be held by your gynecologist to correctly diagnose your condition. A few of these include blood tests, pelvic examination, ultrasound, a simple pregnancy test, and more. These tests aid adequate ovarian cysts diagnosis and rule out other possible complications.

The only way to effectively treat and prevent ovarian cysts is by using a multidimensional holistic approach to healing.

Unlike the conventional approach which deals with the inflicted organ or with the symptoms of the disease (and the treatment is often aggressive with a myriad of side effects), the holistic approach treats every disease as part of a whole by firstly restoring natural balance to the body while naturally tackling each causative factor which leads to the condition.

In this way, the holistic approach to treating ovarian cysts offers a long-term, safe and gentle solution without the side effects of drugs or the risk of surgery while ensuring the prevention of future ovarian cyst recurrence.

Carol Foster
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Carol, a former PCOS sufferer, is on a mission to empower women with natural hormone balance. As a certified holistic health coach, she educates and supports women in their journey to wellness. Through her books, workshops, and online presence, Carol provides invaluable guidance and fosters a nurturing community. Her story is a beacon of hope for women worldwide.